This 37-year-old mother of four children underwent a Full Mommy Makeover Body Transformation consisting of:
1. Full Tummy Tuck
2. Full Body Sculpting with Liposuction
3. Buttock Augmentation with Fat Transfer
4. Full Mastopexy with Breast Augmentation
The objective of the surgery was to:
1. Repair all the internal abdominal muscle damage for a flat contoured tummy.
2. Sculpt and transform her waistline to bring out her hidden curves and improve her silhouette.
3. Transform the body into a fit appearing body and avoid the effect of her previous pregnancies.
4. Rejuvenate and lift the breasts.
5. Sculpt and volumize the buttocks.
After dealing with multiple pregnancies our patient is thrilled of having her new youthful body.