Enjoy a Fit, Toned Physique

If the presence of extra, bulging pockets of fat have been keeping you from looking as toned and taut as you’d like, you’re not alone. Plenty of men experience frustrating pouches that just don’t want to budge, even in the face of healthy dietary plans and rigorous exercise. This is when liposuction and body contouring step in. These procedures involve minimal incisions, so you can be back to your daily routine quickly. If you’re ready to learn more about Dr. Hovsepian and how he can create your ideal results, reach out and set up your consultation at his Beverly Hills office today.

Is Liposuction Right for Me?

During your consultation, Dr. Raffi Hovsepian will get to know your physical characteristics and cosmetic goals thoroughly, so he can craft a treatment plan that is customized to your specific aspirations. Liposuction isn’t a weight loss solution, so you’re an ideal candidate if you’re at or near your target weight, have appropriate skin laxity, and aren’t currently smoking.

This procedure is perfect for addressing stubborn deposits of fat that are keeping your abdomen from looking as svelte and toned as you’d like. Liposuction is your remedy to a chubby midsection, permanently removing annoying fat, and contouring your body for the look you desire.

How Does the Process Work?

Small Incisions

Depending on the size and scope of the treatment area, the procedure can take anywhere from one to four hours. As surgical procedures go, liposuction is relatively minimally invasive. Thanks to his years of experience, Dr. Hovsepian is able to keep incisions small and recovery times to a relative minimum.

Vacuum Suction

The excess fat will be suctioned out of the treatment area through very small incisions with a tool known as a “cannula.” This is essentially a long and narrow vacuum tube. Dr. Hovsepian will then carefully close the incisions, and you’ll be able to return home that day.

Your Recovery

You’ll experience some tenderness and swelling in the treatment area as your incisions heal. You should be back to your normal routine within two to four weeks, depending on the size of your treatment area.

Set Up Your Consultation Today

When it comes to creating incredible, life-changing results, Dr. Hovsepian’s reputation is well earned. If you’re ready to learn more about how liposuction and body contouring can unite you with a fit and toned body, Raffi Hovsepian, M.D., and his team are ready to hear from you. Reach out and set up your consultation, and take those first important steps on your cosmetic journey today!

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